Friday, March 24, 2006

Most want end to fuel price increases, poll shows..

The link to this news item is here.

Supposedly, The Star paper's survey indicates what most people want in the 9th malaysia plan is for fuel prices to stay low i.e. no more increases. Sigh. Its ridiculous.

By the way, i am ok with the price increases i guess. What i am not ok with is the fact that we are told to pay higher for fuel cos its price has increased worldwide, BUT we are also forced to buy vehicles at inflated prices cos the government has a very high tax regime. Talk about a double whammy. Prices to fall under the NAP? I doubt it. I expect to see the usual excuses of higher overheads to justify maintained prices to justify same or higher profits.

What would i want under the 9th MP? Naturally the setting up of the police commission will help. No idea why some ruling party MPs are against it considering how supposedly effective such a commission was in cleaning up the Hong Kong police force.

I would also want the end of the present AP nonsense. Create a level playing field, not a few handpicked people to be instant millionaires.

Hold every GLC and government agency accountable for the unpaid dues they have failed to collect. Its ridiculous how millions arent collected by TNB. How millions arent collected by the Public Services Commission and the Student Loans section. The millions not collected by the local authorities and land offices.

A revamp of the entire education system. No more biasness please. Once and for all, get rid of this race based policies and governance please. Help the needy. Help ALL of the needy. Sponsor the best at every level to ensure they achieve the maximum potential. Stop the brain drain to Spore and other countries. And stop dreaming about reversing the brain drain. All of this, i am unfortunately sure, will not happen in my short remaining lifespan.

We have sort of excellent laws, notwithstanding the lack of laws governing service apartments and gated/guarded developments, amongst others. What we most lack is the will to enforce the laws and prosecute professionally. Enforce what we have, and am sure we wont be that incomparable with the best governed nations.

And most importantly what i hope most under the 9th Malaysia Plan. A hope that the institution of family is upheld in the financial planning. Higher tax breaks please for those with kids. RM800 per kid per year as rebates doesnt even cover kindergarten fees. Sigh.

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