Tuesday, July 12, 2005

On kids and numbers

Weird (some call it sad, suey, tough luck) thing happened a couple of evenings back. My elder 4 year old daughter and I popped by the new house. I had wanted to check the house to see if there were signs of water leak after a heavy thunderstorm. It was about 6.30pm and she was tugging my pants and walking alongside, fearful of the place. No one else in sight in the neighbourhood, no lighting. It was after all a recently completed scheme.

As i was locking the gates, she looked up at the house and said 'dad..i dont like number 11! (the house number). I was taken aback. Asked her why and she just shrugged her shoulders and said she didnt like it. Naturally i couldnt resist asking her what number she liked. She blurted out 165. Aisey, 3 digit number. Pestered her again, what other numbers she liked. She said '25'. Was taken aback again. 25 being my date of birth. 630pm and it wasnt too late to pop by the number forecast shops and get the numbers. Alas, i didnt. It was getting dark, and didnt like the idea of taking her along to go buy numbers!

Didnt think much about it till the next morning. Opened the dailies and as usual after glancing at the usual killing and bad news on the front page, was reading the sports pages. There it was. 3D results. 165 was the 2nd prize for that draw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I believe this was the second time over the past few years she has said a sequence of numbers that somehow or rather ended up in the winning numbers that evening. Sigh. Sad case. Daddy wasnt a compulsive gambler. Nevermind. Will keep ears wide open and act upon the next time kids blurt out numbers out of the blue Image "

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