Tuesday, July 12, 2005

For the past couple of days i've been spending more time reading blogs online. And i've come to realise theres a nice bunch of people out there who write wonderfully with much wit and humour and not to mention intellect. People like Amit who collates lots of IT related stuff and writes about them, as well as people like Kenny sia, Minishorts, Aizuddin, Lilianchan etc. Then theres this thing called Project Petaling Street which has enabled Malaysian bloggers to group up. Theyve met up twice, from what i gather. The writings are diverse. And there is much interaction within the respective blogs.

I think, at one point when KLGC1 was created by yahoo, it attracted that diverse range of people. Those were quite the fun days. Adults and teens, bilingual with the preference being english.

Well, as i read at one of the blog sites, i had these thoughts. Humans have the tendency to point errors of others. To look for fault in others and their beliefs. Whereas the exact opposite should be the case. One should be looking within and aiming to be a better person, for almost all of us are with faults. Wouldnt the world be a better place if everyone operated on that basis. To respect that there is someone out there who believes in something else contrary to our own beliefs. And that we have no right to tell them that theyre wrong purely on the basis of the teachings we've each received during our upbringing.

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