Friday, July 01, 2005

The day i sat for my first year first semester exam for the compulsory islamic studies or something subject, and saw the first question, i gave up on the U. It was run by insensitive asses. That first question sidelined the entire non-muslim student community and all subsequent complaints was brushed aside.It was an objective question which went along the lines of which of the following religions originated from revelations by God. Naturally, i marked all the spaces - A to E. And naturally it was the wrong answer in the U's eyes.

The first thing i did when i was the editor of the student magazine in my dept. during my final year, was to critisize the quality of lecturers. People who had no practical knowledge and only a first degree called themselves lecturers. Unfortunately that article never got published. The head of dept. called me aside and told me (words ill remember forever)..'lets not make our secret the world's secret!'

Defining moment during my stay there would be during my fourth year and my colleague asking the lecturer a simple question. In arriving at a solution to a problem, the lecturer had said that certain percentage adjustments needed to be made. For example, a land fronting the main road against a land immediately behind it. The fore was more valuable. Better accessibility, commercial exposure, potential for development etc etc. Colleague asked how would one arrive at the percentage adjustments..and her nonchalant reply was one did it based on experience. Naturally, all of us grinned. And my fellow student retorted and said...that would mean people who just graduated with no experience would therefore not be able to work!!! Everyone except the lecturer laughed. She was pissed mad. She just made a fool out of herself. Cos in actual fact, there are quantitative means to arrive at such adjustments. Thats another story.

Then again, i cant be too harsh on them. Screwed up my final year project paper cos i had loads of personal problems and i sort of didnt like the supervisor. The paper went in without her vetting. I got "taruh"ed during the viva. Scared shit during the holidays, and so relieved to scrape through at the end.

And they had to further spoil entire experience by asking us to wear songkoks during graduation! duhhh big time.

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