Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Too many have asked why the Jerk picks (or hits on me, depends on how you look at it) on me over the years. It happened a long time ago, when KL global chat was at its infancy. I believe it was back in late 2000.

He was using many IDs, amongst others being hindi cinema actor's names etc. Didnt bother us old timers. Then he started passing smart ass remarks. Immature ones too, which reflected badly on him. Example? One was how married folks should spend time with their loved ones instead of chatting. Presumably he didnt know that most people chat because theyre free, and the spouses are either busy with other stuff or arent around, or any other reasons thats no business of others. :) The other was something along the lines of, cool people should out and about, especially on saturday nights, instead of sitting in front of the pc chatting away. Well, again he fails to realise, some people prefer to stay home. And we all know, in time to come, he ended up being online almost all day long, using different IDs just to spy on others, to check on whether anyone was talking bad about him :)

Then came the proclaimation that he was a virgin (mind you, he's supposedly in his mid to late 20s). And he was beginning to show his hollier than thou attitude. Naturally lots of people teased him. Naturally i couldnt resist the temptation to burst his bubble.

Asked him a simple question. Do you engage in the act of masturbation. Cos, in my opinion, a male who is a virgin, should not have ever masturbated either :D Obviously, the bubble burst, and he got annoyed that such a question could ever be asked :D

Well, not wanting to kick a person when he is down, i privately told him we (me) were only teasing him. And that it was an admirable thing, to stay off sex (naturally masturbation doesnt count) till marriage. Just when i was beginning to be nice, he had to blow it. He said, all the women from chat he met in person, wanted to have sex with him !!! I definitely didnt need to know that. In the back of my mind, every other women who tells me they have met the fella, would have wanted to have sex with him. Regardless of the truth. Told him off for being extremely ungentlemanly with that comment.

Naturally there were many other incidents involving me, and madnoh, as well as some other old timers in the chat room. But then, we never hated the fella. He had this tendency to come up with very long sentences that had "big" words, that almost always somehow or rather never did fit into the sentence. It wasnt an issue of whether a person's command of english was good or bad. It was a simple case of someone trying to show off and yet, using the words wrongly. The lack of humility and all of the above, just made the whole thing a very humourous experience for a few of us. We would copy paste his entire sentences, and pass them around to a small group of 4 or 5 guys. Exact sentences, no editing, we laugh, we move on. Examples? Many, but mostly at my office pc.

There was one incident, he was chatting with someone on open chat, and was copy pasting entire paragraphs of a letter purportedly to be sent to cyberjaya's developer or someone, to complain about bad workmanship. He coined a word, that me and a buddy will remember the rest of our lives :D " ...the gutterlessness..." (gutter=A trough fixed under or along the eaves for draining rainwater from a roof.Also called regionally eaves spout, eaves trough, rainspout, spouting.) (seems the house didnt have gutters or something) :D

Then we received lots of feedback from friends, that he was going around complaining how me and madnoh hated him. Heaven forbid, we loved him for all the laughter he has provided over the years, albeit at his expense :) As for us, we just remained silent, told people what was our stand, and life went on.

I guess after a while, when this small group of friends were involved with yahoo's fantasy EPL football game, we utilized the bulletin board in our private group to post messages. Obviously we copy pasted his exact lines whenever we happened to see funny ones. So folks, all you curious ones, this is the backdrop..the brief history of what has been happening. It was never a secret that we were copy pasting his lines. i for one, would say things like...ahhh here comes out the note pad..and copy paste is done for future reading or to be passed around. :) And over the years many have vainly tried to get through that mind, to get rid of the vanity and pompous attitude. As for me and my buddy, nah.. thats a waste of time. Everyone is entitled to say their piece on chat. Its a free world after all aint it. And we were free to copy paste his exact words and laugh at them :) No slander, no defamation, no cooked up story, no rumours, not bitching.

Of late he had been pestering to meet up. God knows why he doesnt understand that i dislike him, and i dont simply meet everyone from chat. Why would i want to waste my time. I am supposedly cowardly for declining to meet him. :D He even taunts by saying things like some women hate me. Sigh, like i care.

Over the years most who know me, know very well, many on chat dislike me. And for each and everyone of these, theres always a separate reason. For me, life goes on. Most of us are there to kill time, not to argue or to pick fights. And for me, chat is never about a popularity contest. Am blunt, am arrogant, i say whats on my mind, and i am a bad player of the diplomatic hypocritic game of smiling at someone, and then shitting them later to others. One is conditioned generally by the environment theyre in. If the perception is am arrogant, so be it. Its others' perception, and theyre free to perceive. Most would just turn a blind eye, not step on toes. I have much to learn i guess in this aspect of life.

Its getting late. Will try to post some interesting quotes from yesteryears. Its a busy day ahead in the morning. Time to hit the sack. Ciao.

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