.... kidnapped by serbian rebels.
- came out as " ..kidnapped by serbian rebels". Ok, its close. Hearing problem perhaps.
"... I expect perfection." (Hero tells his mates before the start of their mission)
- came out as.."expect profession" !!!!
...." and you will dive from there"
- "dive from them" sigh.
... I'll handle the chopper! (hero will destroy enemy's chopper)
- "i'll handle the jumbo" (oi.. chopper and jumbo, dunno the difference ah?)
... " We are Seals!" (Hero proudly motivates his mates)
- "We're sealed" !!!!!!!!! muahahahaha.
And so the fella rescues the prof from the ship and the prof thanks him.
..." If i die out there, my wife is going to kill me" (he jokingly said to the hero)
- "The guy are there with my wife. He want to kill me" (the translator jokingly subtitled to humour us)
..."Give us another sec" (Hero tells someone)
- "give him signal of the set" .. huh???
..." In order to maintain the state of safety....."
- "In order to maintain the stadium safety" (perhaps he was watching a Malaysian football match on tv while translating!)
The subtitles were too distracting. Funnier than the movie. Decided to turn the subtitles off and proceeded to waste an hour plus watching an average movie. Nice way to kill time on a lazy morning at home.
(whats so difficult in subtitling in the same language????Perhaps i should have checked out the subtitles in Malay.)
funny enough!
That was why i always end up laughing whenever i read the subtitles! They never tele with whatever the actors talked!
i always turn off the subtitles. Find it distracting.
I still find the malay translation for the movie titles most amusing!
if the movie is great, i turn off the subtitles! Ifs its an average movie, its nice to read the english subtitles or malay translation (to justify the RM5 paid for the pirated DVD9) :)
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