Saturday, March 05, 2005

It's early March now. Work has been slow for the past month or so. Its been like 2003. And this is quite worrying. The anticaption everywhere is things will improve now that the chinese new year period is over. Well, time will tell.

The kids continue to amaze. Their vocabulary has improved as imagined.They are so very cheeky and playful. And its a relief they get along quite well, albeit the occasional tug of a single toy which both didnt want UNTIL one of them takes it. Typical of kids their age, we're told.

Kirtisha has a new way of saying the ABCs her way. It goes like... a, b, c, d, e, f, time come and sing with me :)) The first phrase and the last. Talk about summarizing a song. She laughs once she's proudly finished the two verses. At the age of slightly above 2, shes picking up knowledge much faster.Dhivijah on the other hand knows some of her nursery rhymes as well as the ABCs by heart. Need to polish up her pronounciation though.

Now, if only i can clear my office work earlier in the evening. That will definitely give me more time to spend with them.

With Dad no longer around, theyre not studying much in the daytime. Even todate they still ask for him. It's heartbreaking because they miss him much. As Dhivijah would say .." i want achacha (grandfather)..he buys chocolates and takes to playground". Why did he have to leave us so soon. If only all his grandchildren had the benefit of more years of his company. Was hoping so much to raise them and make him proud of them. And give him all that he never had during his entire struggle of a life. Even bought a bigger house just a month before he passed away after he had seen and approved of it whist agreeing to move in with us.

A friend had introduced an online free game @ No, am not advertising the site. I was sceptical cos its all text based and numbers. Surprisingly I've been addicted to it, sigh. This is bad. I need to re-focus and spend less time on that.

I guess i've indulged in this online game and with chatting again to escape from the predicaments of the present. A nice distraction, that just postpones the envitable.
Perhaps i will soon just walk away from both of this. I just dont know.

When man is distracted by things that give him laughter, joy, feel-good emotions, and the like, its rare that he has the strength to turn around and walk away. Well, thats what I think. Perhaps I am just consoling myself, or giving a lame of an excuse to justify what I do.

At least saturday isnt a working day. Thats two whole days for the kids.

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