Monday, April 24, 2006


Won't say a thing about work, apart from the fact that have been swamped by it of late.

But i did manage to watch the Godfather trilogy over the past few nights. Its been a refreshing watch. Al Pacino and the rest were outstanding. The first part was released in 1972. See here for more of this trilogy.

Watching it, one realises that one isnt born evil or bad. One either chooses to be, or is forced into it. In his case it was mostly of the latter.

How would you feel if your father lost his teenage elder brother and father at a tender age. And that you had to escape the country cos the hood wanted to kill you, to prevent you from coming back years later to exact revenge. While one toes the line, one then gets trampled all over by the bad guys in life. For everyone theres a limit, beyond which rational thinking and patience is thrown out of the window. When youre down and almost out, you wouldnt normally think straight, unless you're a saint. And so, a rational, god-fearing person bent on being good, can be forced to be the exact opposite in certain circumstances. In Michael Corleone's case, it involved the family. The bad guys were out to wipe his family and he stepped to the front to take responsibility.

One also realises the fundamental point that comes across in this movie. Never react emotionally, especially when dealing with enemies. Never react with anger. Love your enemies and keep them close. Only when you need to, act and wipe them out.

The third and final part was my favourite. Perhaps cos Sofia Coppola was good looking.

As for those who choose to be bad, which by the way is a relative/subjective term, perhaps this sexist term sums it up : "Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere".

1 comment:

madnoh said...

I loved all three. I shed a tear when Michael Corleone confessed to the cardinal. A powerful performance yet again by Pacino.